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About Norah



About Birma

Felv/Fiv: Negative

PKD1: Negative

Blood Type: A/ AA

BS B33

Chocolate Color Point

Birma, our cattery's affectionate shadow, is always close behind humans, embodying a gentle femininity with her soft voice and tender demeanor. She's the epitome of a lap cat, exuding friendliness to both humans and her feline companions. Affectionately known as 'little elephant' due to her wide bones, she's a favorite among children and is often referred to as their 'best friend'. A striking feature that sets Birma apart is the unique arrow-like markings around her eyes, resembling makeup artfully applied with a crayon. This distinct trait, coupled with her loving nature, makes Birma not just a cherished member of our feline family, but also a cat with a captivating and memorable presence.

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